Thursday, December 7, 2017

Here Are a Few Reasons to Consider Going Vegan This Holiday Season

We don’t tend to associate veganism with the holiday spirit. However, now is the perfect time to consider turning over a new consumption leaf, making your new habits known to your family members. As a vegan, you can share the magic behind the movement at Christmas dinner, and explain to everyone what it means to you to be a vegan consumer.

If you’re on the fence, here are a few reasons to consider it now:

1. You’ll Be Saving The Planet
One of the best gifts you could give the planet for Christmas is going vegan. Vegan means saying no to all animal byproducts that were harvested and collected through massive corporations, releasing chemical waste into rivers and fumes into the air. Instead, by making a commitment to plants and fruit, you’ll be saving the environment – one meal at a time.

2. It’s Better For You
No health guide has ever tried to make the argument that red meat and cheese are good for you. Animal byproducts are some of the worst products for us. No other species eats the milk of a foreign species, and neither should we. Your body was created with the intention of plant-consumption.

3. No More Animal Cruelty
The conditions under which animals live before butchering in our global meat market are absolutely mind numbing. During the holiday season, consider the reality for other living creatures on this planet. By going vegan, you’ll be sparing millions of animals from a cruel and inhumane death over the course of your lifetime.

Going vegan can seem like an overwhelming lifestyle change. Don’t worry; you can still get your chocolate fix as a vegan with our No Whey Chocolate products. All of our products are also common allergen free meaning that the are milk free, nut free, gluten free, soy free, wheat free as well. 

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