Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Guest Recipe: White Chocolate Lemon Buddy Snack Mix

You know what they say...When life gives you lemons, you make White Chocolate Lemon Buddy Snack Mix! No Whey Chocolate will be going Live on Instagram this evening (May 26, 2020) at 7pm, est.; we hope you will join us! Our marketing manager will be following directions alongside recipe curator, Danielle Bryant (Instagram: @Danielledairyfree). In case you'd like to bake along side us, too, here's what you will need:
  • 3-5 cups rice Chex cereal (less or more depending how well coated you want your mix)
  • 3 polar dream bars, melted
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1-2 tsp lemon peel grated (depends how lemony you want it) 
  • 1 cup powdered sugar 

Danielle says, "Melt Polar Dream bars. Make sure to not over melt! Add lemon juice and grated lemon. Add cereal to mixture. Coat a gallon size bag with powdered sugar. Add cereal mixture to bag. Shake until well coated. Serve and enjoy immediately!" 

We will catch everyone live on Instagram later tonight!

P.S. This recipe is top 8 allergen free! To browse all of our allergy-friendly, gluten free, vegan, all natural chocolates, visit our website: www.nowheychocolate.com. Have a recipe idea you'd like to share? We'd love to feature it! Email with the subject line "Recipe" to marketing@nowheychocolate.com

Monday, May 18, 2020

Product Spotlight: No Whey Bar!

Ahh, it's Monday again...Nothin' a little chocolate can't fix! These are our famous "No Whey" bars before they are packaged! How do they look?

We posted this photo on our social media pages (Psst...follow us! @NoWheyChocolate) and we were so lucky to learn that this bar is either your favorite or one of your favorites! If you haven't tried it yet, people say that it is similar to a Snickers TM bar or a Milkyway TM (but of course, ours is Vegan, allergy-friendly, all natural, Kosher and gluten-free!). One bite into a No Whey bar and it will transport you to the depths of a chocolate fantasy. The inside is layered with our famous PeaNOT nougat and velvety, vegan caramel. Is your mouth watering yet?

To purchase some No Whey bars, or any of our other tasty products, just visit our website! Www.NoWheyChocolate.com.  

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Week of Giveaways: Food Allergy Awareness Week!

Hello everyone and welcome to Food Allergy Awareness Week! May is Allergy Awareness Month and May 10-16th is focused on raising awareness for those who suffer from food allergies. If you're subscribed to our newsletter or follow us on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, you definitely know by now that we have a lot of excitement going on this week! In efforts to raise awareness and shine a spotlight on the food allergy community, we are hosting a "Week of Giveaways and Awesome Deals!".

Stay tuned this whole week for what's to come and follow us on social media to stay up to date! To see our full listings of our products, be sure to visit www.NoWheyChocolate.com.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

May is Allergy Awareness Month!

May is Allergy Awareness Month! However, our team at No Whey Chocolate treats every month of such importance. Your safety is our number one priority as our products are free of the top 8 common allergens and are made in a dedicated facility. That's right! We are gluten-free, allergy-friendly, vegan, Kosher, cruelty-free and all natural! Enjoying a sweet treat shouldn't have to be fearful or unthinkable thing; that's why we made it our mission to create a chocolate brand you can trust. Together, let's spread awareness so those with allergies can feel included and safe in doing even the simplest things, like eating a candy bar. For a full list of our products, be sure to visit www.nowheychocolate.com!