Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Way to go No Whey Chocolates!

As a child I remember my mom letting me go to the corner store and pick out any candy I would like. But I was not able to have any dairy or products with nuts. I would have to hand her the bag hoping I could have it, as she would have to carefully read all the ingredients. There were many times I felt left out as my brother and sister were eating real chocolate candy. I would just stare at them wishing I could have one small bit.  Once I became Vegan I was even more limited in my choices. When I found No Whey Chocolates as they area dairy free, nut free, vegan chocolate company I was in my glory! 
Do you like M&M’s TM? Then you will love these! When I found these I was ecstatic because I was never allowed M &M’s TM.  The NoNo’s have all the taste but no chemical dyes, allergens or animal derivatives.  They offer three types -  Choco NoNo’s, Pea”not” NoNo’s & Pretzel NoNo’s. The Choco NoNos are  colored chocolate candies made with the famous milkless chocolate.  The Pea “not” NoNo’s are similar to the Choco NoNo’s. The only difference is that the center has pea”not” butter in the middle. The Pretzel NoNo’s are the latest addition. They are a milk free chocolate coating with a gluten free pretzel in the center and covered with a crisp shell all natural.
These yummy concoctions have honest ingredients that taste great. They are also vegan friendly.
 All No Whey products are now free of the 8 common allergens. Which are peanuts, tree nuts, milk, eggs, wheat, soy, fish and shellfish. Our Mission is to supply people who have lived a life of constant worry   now to have a stress free life enjoying chocolate like the rest of the world. All of our chocolate are milkless and nut free. Visit our new website at If you have any questions about the ingredients in our vegan dairy free products shoot us an e-mail or give us a call.

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