Saturday, December 27, 2014

4 Steps to Planning Healthy Vegetarian Meals

Whether you are transitioning to vegetarian or vegan food or you have been preparing vegetarian meals for a long time, you might occasionally find yourself in a rut when trying to plan the menu for the week. There is a simple formula that you can follow, which makes it easier to plan vegetarian meals:
Step 1: Choose a Grain
 Whole grain foods are often a staple in vegan food, because it is often used as a substitute for the satisfying and filling ingredient in the meal. Examples might include rice, wheat, or quinoa. Or, you might choose a starch such as potatoes instead.
Step 2: Choose a Vegetable
When preparing vegan food, it is important that you are eating a wide variety of vegetables and fruits in order to get the essential nutrients that are needed for optimal health. Serve large portions of vegetables, and make sure to have at least one or more vegetables with every meal.
Step 3: Flavor the Meal
It can be boring to eat the same flavors over and over again, but with a little creativity you can find ways to prepare different vegetarian meals with the same ingredients. As an example, consider the many ways that rice can be prepared: Spanish rice, sushi, curry, and more. Explore different ethnic flavors and recipes, to find the spice combinations that your family enjoys.
Step 4: Serve a Vegan Dessert
Many popular dessert recipes include animal products, such as milk or other dairy ingredients. Choose a vegan alternative instead, such as vegan chocolate.
At Premium Chocolatiers, we offer many types of chocolates that are made without dairy or other animal products. Visit our website to view the vegan food and desserts that are available.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Delicious, Dairy Free Chocolate Pudding Recipe

Are you searching the internet for dairy free recipes, because you want a tasty chocolate treat without dairy ingredients? There are many chocolate recipes to choose from, but the problem is that the majority of those recipes contain dairy ingredients. Here is a delicious dairy free chocolate recipe for you to enjoy:
Dairy Free Chocolate Pudding
1/3 cup organic sugar
2 tablespoons cold water
3 tablespoons cornstarch
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups unsweetened almond milk
A pinch of salt
1/3 cup chocolate chips, dairy free

Add the water and cornstarch in a small bowl, mix together and set aside. Add the salt, cocoa powder, and sugar in a small saucepan. Turn on the heat to medium-low, slowly stir in the almond milk. Be sure to stir constantly, so that the mixture maintains a smooth consistency.
Don't let the mixture come to a boil. Continue cooking until you see steam rising from the surface, and a thin film will develop on top. Next, remove the pan from the heat and add the chocolate chips. Continue stirring frequently to prevent the chocolate chips from sitting on the bottom of the pan. Let the mixture cool for about 3 minutes.
Add in the vanilla and cornstarch mixture, stir well. Put the pan over medium-low heat again, continue stirring constantly. You will see the mixture thicken up, but don't let it get too thick because it will thicken a little more when it cools.
Cool the pudding for about 20 minutes before placing the bowl in the fridge. Let it chill for 2 hours before eating.
Dairy Free Chocolate for You To Enjoy
If you want to make other dairy free recipes, then we invite you to visit our Premium Chocolatiers website. We have many allergy-free options for you to choose from, and you can use all of our products in your dairy free recipes.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Peanut Allergy Guide: Protecting Your Loved Ones Who Have a Peanut Allergy

Whether you have a peanut allergy or you know someone who is allergic to peanuts or any other type of food, then you are probably aware of the fact that it is very important to avoid these foods in order to prevent a reaction. Some people are highly allergic to peanuts or other ingredients, which means that exposure to these foods might result in serious health problems and it could even cause them to stop breathing.
Planning Peanut-Free Meals and Snacks
With a food allergy, it is extremely important that you check every ingredient that is being used in the meal, to ensure that you won't cause the person to have an allergic reaction. For example, with a peanut allergy, you need to ensure that the product is free of peanuts, and you also need to double check to make sure there isn't a risk of peanut cross contamination.
Sometimes, foods are manufactured in a facility that also processes peanuts or other types of nuts. If someone with a peanut allergy eats foods that were cross-contaminated with peanuts, then it could potentially result in a food allergy reaction even if their food didn't have any peanuts added directly during the manufacturing.
Finding Safe Foods to Eat
If you are preparing foods from scratch, then you will be able to monitor the ingredients that are added into the meals and avoid cross-contamination. If you are serving pre-made foods, then you should closely read the label, in order to ensure that the food was prepared in a peanut free environment.
At Premium Chocolatiers, we offer peanut-free chocolate that is safe for people with a food allergy. Visit our website to see the chocolate varieties that we offer.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

Many people consider chocolate to be a vice, but did you know that dark chocolate is good for your health? Over the years, chocolate has gained a bad reputation, and now doctors are uncovering health benefits that can be gained from chocolate.
How Dark Chocolate Boosts Your Health
Chocolate is made from cocoa beans, which are packed full of antioxidants in the form of flavonoids. When you are consuming antioxidants in your diet, those antioxidants work to reduce the free radical load in your body.
Increased free radical activity has been linked with a higher risk of heart disease and cancer. So, it is possible to decrease your risk of these serious diseases by decreasing free radical activity with antioxidant consumption.
Dark chocolate is packed full of these antioxidants. In fact, it is estimated that dark chocolate contains about 8 times more antioxidants than strawberries. Another benefit of dark chocolate is that the flavonoids help to balance hormone levels and decrease blood pressure. It has also been found that dark chocolate helps to reduce "bad" LDL cholesterol by as much as 10 percent.
Vegan Milk Chocolate vs. Dark Chocolate
If you are planning to eat chocolate for the health benefits, it is important that you choose a vegan variety. Milk and sugar are two ingredients that are not beneficial for your health, especially if you have a milk allergy. Vegan dark chocolate contains no milk and it has lower sugar content compared with milk or white chocolate.
At Premium Chocolatiers, our goal is to provide you with a variety of healthier chocolate options, and our products are vegan and allergy-free. Visit our website to see the delicious vegan dark chocolate products that are available.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

6 Lactose Free Desserts

Just because you are following a lactose free diet, doesn't mean that you need to stay away from delicious desserts. There are many lactose free foods that can be used in dessert recipes, and sometimes it is as simple as making a few ingredient substitutions.
Here are some dairy free dessert recipes that are perfect for anyone following a lactose free diet:
·         Berry or apple pie: Using coconut whipped topping instead of regular whipped cream
·         Cookies: Make sure to use vegan chocolate chips and avoid other dairy ingredients
·         Sorbet or Coconut Bliss ice cream: Which are great substitutes instead of ice cream
·         Dark chocolate: Most brands of dark chocolate are dairy free, although you will need to stay away from milk chocolate varieties
·         Brownie mixes: Which are usually dairy free unless they are "milk chocolate" brownies, so read the packing label to ensure there are no added dairy ingredients
·         Cake: Most cake mixes are lactose free, but you will need to read the ingredient list to double check
The possibilities are endless, and you can find many dairy-free recipes online. With the right recipe and a little bit of creativity, it is easy to prepare a dessert that you can enjoy.
At Premium Chocolatiers, we have a variety of chocolates that are safe to eat if you are following a lactose free diet. You will love our lactose free foods, because they are delicious and dairy free!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Food Allergies? How to Know If You Can Eat Specific Foods

As food allergies are becoming more common, many people find that it is a little easier to locate treats that fit within their eating guidelines. But, you need to be careful to read each label, in order to determine if you can safely eat each type of food without causing problems for your health.
Read the Labels
A quick glance at the label can help you understand whether or not the food contains the ingredients that you need to avoid. If you have food allergies, then it is important that you understand the exact ingredients that need to be avoided, as well as any other disguised ingredients that might aggravate your allergies.
Be cautious about generalized ingredients. For example, if the label says "chocolate chips" and you are allergic to gluten, then you might need to learn more about the chocolate to make sure that the product contains gluten free chocolate chips.
Talk With the Store or Manufacturer                             
If there is ever a question about whether a specific food is safe for you to eat, then you might consider calling the manufacturer to learn more about the ingredients. Many companies are happy to answer your questions and provide additional information as needed.
You can also talk with a store manager or employee. Visiting a local health food store can be a great way to find foods that you can eat, and you will discover that the employees are very knowledgeable about food allergies. Or, if you can't find anything locally, then look online for a vendor who offers specialty items that are safe for people with food allergies.
Premium Chocolatiers offers a variety of sweet treats that are safe for people with many types of allergies. Our vegan, dairy free, peanut free, gluten free chocolate is delicious and a great option for people who have food allergies.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

4 Health Benefits of a Vegan Diet

It can be confusing to choose an eating plan, because you will find quite a bit of conflicting information about different lifestyles. If you want to choose a eating style that supports your overall health, then you should consider a vegan diet. A plant-based diet is back by numerous research studies which show that there are many health benefits that can be gained. Here are a few common health benefits from a vegan diet:
·         Reduced Risk of Heart Disease: The antioxidants and fiber in plant foods are associated with improving cardiovascular health. It has been found that people who eat less meat and more vegetables are more likely to have lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and a lower risk of heart attack and stroke.
·         Reduced Risk of Cancer: If you are looking for a way to reduce the risk of cancer, then vegetables and whole grains are the way to go. "The China Study" was a large research study that found a direct correlation between animal protein consumption and cancer.
·         Stronger Bones: Even though milk is commonly associated as a food that is good for bone health, the truth is that increased milk consumption is directly associated with an increased risk of osteoporosis. Instead of milk, increase your consumption of leafy greens for a healthier source of calcium.
·         Weight Loss: Many people who follow a healthy, vegan diet can quickly lose weight. If you want to lose weight, make sure you are eating natural ingredients, such as nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables.
If you are following a vegan diet, you don't need to give up the foods that you love! Here at Premium Chocolatiers, we make vegan chocolate that tastes just as good as regular chocolate. Visit our website to learn more about the vegan desserts that are available for you!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Allergy-Free Side Dishes and Desserts for Your Thanksgiving Feast

Thanksgiving is quickly approaching, and it is a great time to share a meal to celebrate with your family and friends. Some people assume that they will miss out on some of the delicious food options because of their food allergies. But, just because you have a food allergy doesn't mean that you should be left out during a holiday dinner with your family.
Thanksgiving Side Dishes and Dessert Ideas
Whether you are hosting the party or attending another party, you can plan at least 1 or 2 side dishes or desserts so that you can have the peace of mind to know that you will have allergy-free food to eat.
Here are a few allergy-free side dish and dessert options to consider:
·         Sweet potatoes or yams, using olive oil instead of butter and skipping the marshmallows
·         Stuffing, using gluten-free bread instead of regular bread
·         Cranberry sauce, skipping any nuts in the ingredient list
·         Roasted Brussels sprouts, with olive oil and natural spices for flavor
·         Gravy made with brown rice flour for thickening and olive oil instead of butter
·         Pumpkin pie, made with a gluten-free crust and coconut milk instead of dairy products
·         Chocolate covered strawberries (using allergy-free chocolate)
Gourmet Chocolates for Every Holiday
Here at Premium Chocolatiers, we make gourmet chocolates and truffles to satisfy your sweet tooth. These chocolates are so delicious that your holiday guests won't realize that they are eating an allergy-free alternative to traditional chocolate.
Thanksgiving is a day to indulge, so make sure that you order enough of our allergy-free chocolates to enjoy a sweet treat before and after the meal! Check out our allergy-free chocolates for the holiday season, such as  chocolate turkeys and pumpkin truffles.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Heading toward Thanksgiving

As the weather gets cooler and we head into the fall holidays and finally Christmas of course - the pace heats  up at our factory. We are in full swing producing vegan and allergy friendly chocolate turkeys, turkey lollipops, pumpkin truffles and getting ready for black Friday and Christmas. New products are being launched with many other great ones to follow. Lots of excitement is brewing and we hope you follow us here as we share the goings on.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Happy Halloween

Believe it or not time is flying and Halloween is right around the corner. If you know someone following  a Vegan diet or having food intolerance's to milk, gluten, nuts or eggs remind them to get over here quickly while there is still time

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Labor Day is Here Already?

Can you believe the summer is coming to an end already. Labor Day is on Monday, kids going back to school, and we are gearing up for a great season of fun allergy friendly and vegan chocolates and candies. You may have noticed some of the baskets for Halloween go up on the site and more are yet to come. Stay Tuned for tons of new products.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

So what are we doing now?

So it is hot and the middle of the summer and we are supposed to be taking it easy. At Premium's headquarters the production lines are in full gear. We must be prepared when the holiday's arrive with all the great Vegan and allergy friendly candies we have become known for and some new surprises as well. Any great ideas for the coming year. Drop us a note at We love your feedback.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Mother Day - Vegan Chocolates

With Mothers Day fast approaching there is only two more days left to get in orders for on time Mothers Day delivery of Vegan and allergy Friendly Chocolates. Don't miss this opportunity to floor your mom with delicious milk like though dairy free chocolate truffles that she will appreciate and adore you for.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Big Bunny Show and Sale on Facebook Tuesday

Be sure not to miss it. On Facebook only this Tuesday night Mar 24 at 9PM EST  We will show off all our Easter Bunnies at discounted prices and other specials at our Fan Page. All you have to do is comment sold to any post you like and you will receive an email invoice to take care of at your leisure. Limited quantities of each will be available so you need to be early. Don't Miss. Click the following link to be registered beforehand for the Show and Sale.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Is spring around the corner?

Looks pretty cold still but the bunnies, eggs, and many other great new items have been pouring in so we are thinking spring is about to spring forth anytime now. Anyone know more about this? is featuring many of these great finds all that are free of milk, peanuts, tree nuts, gluten and eggs. They are all vegan of course and safe for people with many common food allergies.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Valentines Day is Coming

Valentines day is right around the corner now. Do you need vegan chocolate for your valentine or does your valentines has an allergy to milk, peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, gluten? Why not have them feel special like everyone else at least on Valentines Day. Check out our valentines page here Valentines Chocolate Milk, Nut, Gluten Free

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Americas Candies - Now Milkless

So you all know what Americas four favorite candies are. After completing Peanot Cups, No Whey and Milkless Bars we have one more to finish the series and that is the No No's. The kickstarter was successful and the $39 level  will all be shipped by weeks end or sometime next week. We apologize for taking a bit longer than expected and we are still perfecting this product for a launch soon. We will not launch until we complete all the kickstarter orders which shouldn't take too much longer. Thanks for your continued patience